How to save money with little effort

I was brought up by my single mum who had three little mouths to feed, she worked three jobs to be able to give us a good start in life. I have never missed out on anything in life and everything I could ever had wanted as I child I got. I saw my mum work long hours and waste away to a size 6, I vowed that I would always be sensible with money no matter how much or little I earn.

Well now I am an adult and also a mother I found ways to save a lot of money and still enjoy all the lovely luxuries in life. Before I had my daughter I used to have five star holidays abroad at least 3 times a year. Instead of being selfish I now devote my time to my toddler, when she's a little older we'll catch up with travel.

I get a lot of requests on how to save money and still look good or make great meals with little money spent, there's no need to spend excessive amounts of money on clothes or make up to look good and the same goes with food, you don't need to spend tons to be healthy or make good quality meals. I make all my meals from scratch everyday, well there is an odd day here and there when I get a little lazy but other than that I always try to buy the best. When I used to work I could make a meal within 45 minutes to an hour but nowadays I can start in the kitchen at 11am and still be there at 6pm but that is a very rare occurrence.

Anyway stay tuned for weekly posts on money saving tips with little effort, no coupon scrounging or using leftovers to make a meal just little tips that you may never had thought of before.


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