Farmville 2 Tips and Tricks

This may look like an unusual post but here are my reasons for sharing this. A little while ago I fell ill and needed complete bed rest, out of boredom I started playing Farmville 2 on Facebook. There's only so much TV you can watch and so many websites you can browse so for me Farmville 2 gave me a little distraction whilst I was laid up in bed recovering.

What is Farmville 2 by Facebook?
If you have had your wall spammed by friends already or had endless requests you will know that Facebook also has games you can play through their apps. You don't need to download anything but it helps if you have a lot of friends who play too. Farmville 2 is different from the first on as this one is 3D, you are also given tasks to accomplish to help you in the game. You plant seeds, water them, wait for them to grow and harvest them. You also harvest trees and collect resources from animals that you rear. 

How to stop spamming wall feeds?
The biggest complaint about the games on Facebook is every time you do something or share something your friends get endless notifications that span up their wall. Here's how to avoid this. Create a new friends list and name it FV friends, then add all friends on Facebook you play it. Now when you share something make sure that you are sharing it only with your FV friends list. This way only people who need to know will know what you are doing.

How to hack Farmville 2?
There are many websites and pages that say you just need to download something and you can hack Farmville 2 for unlimited farmbucks, coins, water, power, feed etc but they are all spam. You need to complete a survey or buy something first for it to be unlocked. Its much more satisfying when you work hard and achieve something rather than cheating and getting ahead first.

When your XP reaches around 100 start planting crops that are the longest to harvest, you get more XP and save time
When you need to ask friends for things only send to the select few that will help you, by choosing send to all you will have to wait 18 hours before you can ask for help again
Concentrate on building things one at a time, when you have a new item to build do that first before moving on to the next, if you try to do them all at once you will end up with a messy farm with loads of unfinished buildings
You get water and power every 3 minutes so you don't have to just rely on your wells and furnace  for watering and power
When a new item is unlocked don't go crazy and plant them or make them in your workshop, chances are you will be given a task soon, doing it too soon means you will need to do it all over again
Its not necessary to visit neighbours farms everyday to gain XP by planting and doing things on your own farm such as making things in your workshop and kitchen you can level up just as quick
Keep an eye on your friends, if you see someone doesn't fulfill requests you send them then don't help them back

You need to have a lot of friends on Farmville because you need help to complete tasks by friends sending things to you, you can join communities that have dedicated Farmville players so you can level up quickly.

Remember its just a game at the end of the day but be warned that it can get addictive.


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