Tomoson get free stuff - Review

I joined Tomoson less than a year ago because it looked interesting. I am signed up to three different companies that send me free stuff but this one is only for people who have a blog. 

So how does it work?
Well you go to the Tomoson web site and see what's new, if you want to apply to review something you just click a button BUT approval depends on how many blog visitors you get, your Alexa page, how many facebook fans you have, how many twitter followers you have, how many YouTube followers you have etc.

Basically in some cases you need to have a large following to be approved for stuff, when you are approved all you need to do is write a review on your blog and that's it. No surveys to fill, no social networking just a review on your blog.

I have been approved for many things and feel very proud because in some cases they only accept a small amount of people such as 10. I have been approved for: Dryer balls, two e-books, a walking stick (for my elderly dad) and an ergonomic pen for my ambidextrous toddler.

So if you have a blog then it might be worth signing up but if you don't then it's pointless. I am not really a fan of Tomoson because you get approved for things then all of a sudden without warning they drop you for no reason. Also the best things on offer require you to have a lot of fans and twitter followers so it really depends on whether or not you want to put a review on your blog and if you have the time to check the website every now and then.

Toluna free stuff - Review

So as you know I am a member of Bzzagent where I get free stuff to try at home, here is a link to my post if you haven't already read it. So going back to Toluna, I did come across this around the same time I joined Bzzagent but I have only realised now that I have yet to share my thoughts with you, so here they are.

Sunset Dreams - Motivational Photography e-Book Review

I have always been into Photography, I even started a short course with my local college a few years ago to learn how to use my Nikon DSLR properly to take amazing photos. Unfortunately I did this course when I was pregnant and have never really found the time to get back into it until now.

How to fix broken make up

So a little while ago my compact powder fell out of my handbag and it was too messy to use. I love this powder as I can use it alone and I get such a flawless finish, I didn't want to chuck it away. After months of avoiding it I finally decided to fix it so I could use it again.

MUA make up haul and Review


So for a while now I have been stalking MUA, everyone has good things to say about the brand and I hadn't the chance to try their products. Well a few months ago they had a MASSIVE sale, so I decided to take the opportunity to stock up on a few make up bits and also see if I could substitute any of my current make up for MUA and save me some £££'s.

Frister and Rossmann QE681 sewing machine Review

So for a while now I have been thinking about taking up sewing, now my little one is getting bigger she can entertain herself long enough for me to get on with things. A sewing machine can be a great investment if you have the time to use it and best of all you don't really need any lessons to help get started you can pretty much learn on your own.

Remington Sapphire pro curl Review

I have been obsessing about big bouncy curls for a long time now and decided to treat myself for my birthday. I needed a big wand because I have very long hair and also I wand big bouncy curls and not waves or small ringlets, Remingtons Sapphire pro curl seemed to be perfect so I popped into Argos (cheapest and most convenient) and bought the last one in stock.
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