Ombre hair/dip dye hair

Ashley Simpson ombre hair
I was searching for a new hair style the other day when I noticed a trend (yeah a little late as always) for hair dyeing that's very popular with the celebs at the moment. There are two that are creeping around at the moment, the first is Ombre hair and the other is dip dyeing hair. The two are very similar and here I will explain how.

What is ombre/dip dyeing hair?
Ombre hair is basically when you dye the ends of your hair a subtle colour that can be lighter or darker than the rest of your hair. Dip dyed hair is when you go for a contrasting look that is usually very bright or colourful. It is achievable at home but I have heard that its damaging to the tips of your hair.

How to dip dye or get ombre hair at home?

  • First of all find the colour or colours that you want the ends to be.
  • Its much easier if you part the hair down the middle and braid the two sides.
  • Take an elastic band and finish the braid where you want the dye to start.
  • If you have dark hair or have recently dyed your hair then you may need to bleach the ends after the hair tie.
  • When you have removed that bleach take a pair of gloves and put the colour that you want on the ends and comb or rub in.
  • If you are doing two colours on the ends then tie another elastic a little further down from the first one and add a different colour.
  • Then wash out the dye, style and you're ready to go.

Nicki Minaj dip dyed hair

Lauren Conrad dip dyed hair

Lady Gaga dip dyed hair

Jessie J dip dyed hair

I don't really know what to make of this trend at the moment and as I'm trying to grow my hair long again I don't really want to end up with damaged tips that need to be cut off. So for the time being I am happy with the colour of my hair but if I saw a really nice colour I would be really tempted.

Colourful ends are nice but not very practical if you work in the professional sector also depending where you go and what you do you won't be taken seriously i.e. interviews. An alternative would be to do chalking or semi-permanent hair dye instead.


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